On Tonight's Episode of WolfPack Sunday Radio


On tonight's episode of WolfPack Sunday Radio, " Where's my money, President Biden?" It's My Money and I want it now. If your looking for that check to arrive as fast in your paws think again. Nothing the U.S.-of-A. Government does is speedy. In fact, at times, it can be damn slow. Try ordering parts for a dilapidated Huey in Iraq, It gets there okay but, it's a huge amount of paperwork and a bunch of favor trading to git-r-done. 

And so I have been streaming a bunch of old TV, to pick out pieces for my radio gig. It's called Bing watching, Which is better than binge drinking, I guess, but I see where the continuity gaffers made mistakes. Now if you think that every scene with the Lady was only the Lady, I have news for you. There were 4 of those 222A's built. One for the main sequence, and 3 for the stunt sequences. I got lucky in 2002 to gain in purchase 1 of those other 3 and am still refurbishing it. Of course, there is the Dukes-of-Hazzard. First and I'm sure I'll get tons of mail on this, but; I think April 

Scott made a much more convincing Daisy Duke and carried the look much further than any including Catherin Bach 

Ever did. April just delivered what Cathy couldn't. Look I'm not bagging on Cathy, I am one of a very lucky persons who got to spend real quality time with Miss. Bach. Hell, I was her go-between escort at the 81 SLC Autorama. But that said April, is and always be in my phantasies. Speaking of phantisies. By now many of you know that I have a terrible crush on Emmy Picasso, of BABS 

fame, and would collapse over a coronary if I had the chance to meet her and have a 1 on 1 conversation with her. She is just so hot that if your finger touched her tootsies 
 that your fingers would fry. However, BABS has a new prodigy, in her stable named Haylee(think that's how its spelled) 

At any rate(what about 3 %?) this Haylee crept into the mix. And why do I hold any or most BABS's talent and BABS herself so idolic? Simple, BABS in her early career explained that having a toew phetish, was not only okay, but not as creepy and abnormal as many at the time thought I was. My view of my world when I was a Wolf-Pup, was waist-high, yes I was and am still very short. As such the most approachable area on the feminazi, torso was her feet. In most cases that mere phetish, got me a long way. Example: There was a mere competition for pep band drummer at Hazzard High School. Mrs. Snap our band/music teacher leader had really sore feet. What id I do, beyond complimenting her on her footwear, I would go just before band/music class started and give the old bat, a great phoote massage. Guess who won the competition? Tweren't Angie. A feminazi, phoote can tell you a lot about her personality, It can tell you if she is rebellious, comfortable being around you, as shoes will get taken off if she is, and not remain the fight or flight mode. Now as said I'm into Haylee 
as much as Emmy 
But I love em both, maybe it's time to get ahold of my bud, Stern, and see if he can assist me of getting in touch with these angels, including BABS 
All of them are sweet and pretty, but and, I might be wrong, but there's a ton and a half of mindpower under their gorgeous hair. 

Couldn't talk much the last two episodes of AyrePower Radio on ayrewolffm.com but I can say this, I'm able to a bit better on the show starting at 23:00. My voice box was fried, and so its Mentholatum outside, Goody's on the inside along with slightly warmed Jack Daniels as cough syrup. Trust me it all dew 

help. One other topic that is never explored what for any reason, is the cost and the amount of shiny lipstick that the lady hosts on FoX News Channel Wears, 
on set. They must paint that stuff on and retouch during commercials. How much money does FoX News, give out for props like makeup? You will not ever find that answer on any Google or Bing, search. Just about as elusive as finding information on my cute little avian friends the Killdeers, 
nobody has ever taken on serious research into their lifestyle. How does those tini tiny legs hold up that plum body? Anymile I'm catching so needed rest, get ready WolfPack Sunday/Monday is coming on ayrewolffm.com at 23:00.


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