Sorry but I'm not for sale, and will NEVER charge for my Life's Lyfe lessons. And Covid is Not An Excuse for failure.


I am getting stronger and yes there will be a show on overnight on . But I see many writers, bloggers, and so on, writing a tease piece, just to get YOU to contribute to their retirement. Example; there's a gal by the name of Peggy, who does a self-help blog but is more aimed to get YOU to buy her book or subscribe to her wares, Counseling, etc. As for me, maybe it's that I have a consistent constant and for the most part stable income. My military pension, and what HCC and of course HazzardAyre Aviation, the lower 48 states subsidiary of AyreWolf Aviation of Alaska. So my financial sitch is great, so I will not allow myself or my obscure celebrity status to be sold, or be offered to be sold. I'm not barking about what social media digs up about me, or uses for their income generation. Outside of a VPN, you can't help it. But I will not go on-air, online, or write anything, then beg like a mongrel, for scraps, or money. Everything I do is free, I like sharing knowledge, looking at issues, that no one else to look at, and off-center questions, that no one will sniff up. Like why there is no particular writing or research on these tiny lovable avians called Killdeers. 

All I have been able to scrounge up is the basic description. These tiny creatures that would not hurt a human, are just so damn cute and lovable you can't help but be seduced by them. But it's not a hip or Mill-teen20's groove. So that subject get's ignored. Why? I have seen this before, I see the world from a very alofty place. At 80,000 feet at 800 MPH, the only companion or distractions are ATC, and other aviators, squawking on the radio. Outside of that, I don't see people. And about the other things in the clouds, all I see and vector off of is an occasional, satellite. Look the America we grew up with, is gone. The government stepped in and decided YOU had to get an injection, of medicine that May, repeat MAY, help you avoid the Coronavirus. Which leads me to my other subject. Covid is not an excuse. Covid is not a reason or path to just be stupid. It just isn't. However that does not refrain, so many Websites, I go to especially ones on medicines, and human biological treatments. Everything says, due to this, or that, it's always Covid. Here at the Wolf's Lair, we are manufacturing some "T" shirts that says simply, Covid is no excuse for stupid. Nor failure. The only thing I didn't give my bat's ass, about refraining from doing my work. From 09:00 to 21:00 hours I'm in studio producing and on-air overnight. Two reasons, for that time slot, is that truckers are rolling and need our truckers Angle. 

 The other side of that Highway Skyway is; Our targeted demographic is, the aviators on board of floating airports, as well as in covered camo-covered bunkers, that are tuned in. Our nights are their days. 

Now I need to clear up a few things here. First, HazzardAyre Radio, and all our subsidiaries, is not going dark or off-air. What we will do is one to two shows a week, as I am busting my own butt, working MY company, not just doing my tasks and duties for The Hazzard Knytes as well as The WolfPack. When it comes down to it, flying overtakes all my going toewing attention. However, I and IronWolf Toewing, as well as Cooter's Toewing is not going out of business. The sitch is until I get the things together there, I'm hauling my cookies, down there to fetch LexiBelle, 
and bring that half of me back together. Right now it's HazzardAyre Aviation, aka, AyreWolf Aviation, and doing media, keeps me grounded(no pun intended), and sane. Any mile, need to get done here, but all this fuss over a virus, and blaming it for every damn thing, or using the condition as a requirement to stay and home and allow the Feds to support you. Telling you that you, can't even give a person a bottle of water? There is an answer to this, 

However, I must repeat, I am not for sale. I will not pitch or sell my voice or my abilities to products and or services I don't trust or have used. Moreover, every broadcast, every post, everything that makes our outside reach to you, will always be free to you our fans and listeners, and supporters. 

See ya'll on the radio overnight Mountain Standard time. On: 


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