What is it with Blondes and Fox News Channel? My they have a lot of them, but watch out the spear chuckers are invading.


What is it with Fox News Channel and all the blonde commentators and anchors?

Seems as though just about if not all the lady anchors and reporters of FNC, are blonde knockouts? However, don't look now. Seems as though the spear throwers are about to invade. Yup, and it's not just FNC, it's all media. Advertizers, network, and local news anchors, ethnic minorities are increasing in visibility. While it may seem a knee-jerk reaction from the BLM staff, and that might have started it, but NAB and other broadcast organizations have called on broadcasters to be more diversified, in other words, hire ethnic minorities. How do we stand on the issue? Simple, I'll hire any female of suitable age, no matter if they're black, yeller, Native American, or Hispanic/Latinos. AS long as they meet the look screen, and have our attitudes, and are willing to learn our career, format, I say welcome. But I will not be pushed or ordered. Remember the ultimate underlying moto here in everything, is Fight The System, and be as much Anti-Establishment as can be. That don't mean harming people or property, but standing up and howling for liberty and justice, for all people, throwing away the ideals of politics being of who has the most money, as well as the concepts in many minds, those that have big bank accounts and deep pockets, get the tax and economic and employment breaks. We fully believe this 

and always will. All people want is the liberty to be comfortable, be able to afford to just live. Not worry about greedy landlords, property owners, or banks that only make loans to people that already are visible, with deep pockets. Not the blue-collar working person that makes his living by the sweat on his head, and the blisters on his hands. I say honor everyone from the guy rolling overnight fetching the milk from our dairies, truckers, us in towing, right down to the cop on the beat, keeping us safe, under threats of cutbacks and reductions of our Police forces, right down to that Hispanic, behind the grill feeding us. Even those luscious blondes at Fox News Channel, making sure we know what's going on. FNC, in my opinion, is the most trusted news organization on earth. Even if they do lean on those luscious honeys with double coated lipstick lips. 

Planning on uploading three shows to our streaming site, ayrewolffm.com, all you have to do, is find our website, ayewolffm.com, click on the link that 

and listen to our broadcasts, you'll find a variety of episodes, covering a lot of issues, plus music you don't find on ANY radio station. As we say, We are Not A podcast, we are an ONLINE RADIO STATION, we seriously 

Simply put, We are Fight the system Confederate Radio, and while we may not have the super beauty queen, anchors(we are working on it) in the Hee Haw TV show image 

This is our idea and style, laid back before BLM invasion, of the south, as we enjoyed it then. That is HazzardAyre what we started, we have remained as. See ya'll at 18:00 on ayrewolffm.com 


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