And so you can't say Bad Ass on Facebook, We are changing a ton of things.


Shit is changing here at the Wolf's Den. We are renaming Hazzard County Choppers to Iron Wolf Choppers LLC. 
Our link from the WolfPack to the Hazzard County Knytes will be through HazzardAyre Aviation. Cooter's Toewing will be now known as; Cooters, Bad Ass, Toewing LLC. 
Which I found I could not list it like that on Facebook, so I had to include Hot Rod instead of 
Yup, that's their TOS conditions. Yet a prostitute can shake her ass on there and nobody gives a rat's ass. Amazing world huh?

Been doing a bunch of things, including but not limited to reinitializing Our Amalgamated Church of Dixie. I love my denomination and its teachings, but, here lately, I can't testify at testimony meetings that I can't in good conscience, say they all are right, nor can I say I know that the President of the Church Nelson, is a messenger of God. I just can't because it seems like when politics enters the denomination, anything of our Father in Heaven goes out the window. I can't sit in the pews and say I manifest anyone that 'needs manifesting. Can you Manifest this guy or other, I don't know these peoples, none of them have in reality came up and said your family here. There is no brotherhood in the church, it's all a BS session, with recorded music these days. And like Walter Cronkite said it: That's the way it is this Monday. Show at 18:00 as we are doing computer manitnece right now. 

L8R Bro's.


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