Like Dr. House MD said it, I had an epiphany , How about a real, NEWS channel, and But someone has to make it.


Like my TV character friend Dr. House 

after being required to view hours of news programming to make our shows as grand as we can, I had an epiphany. What about a real, main story news channel. Look expanding coverage with countless interviews and topic breakdowns, I just want to know, What the hell happened? I don't need the fluff, from Hannity, Carlson, or anyone. I can figure it out myself. I want to see a real news channel, like we used to watch when such great newscasters as Walter Cronkite. Harry Reasoner, and the like. Let me see the events, let ME decide what to make of it. I don't need to see a luscious blonde with lipstick so thick that you could frost a cake with it, telling me how shitty something is. I want to just know the news. What do you do? Trust me HazzardAyre is working on it, 

In a way call it HeeHaw honeys reporting the news. The real news. In Twin Falls? No, but Metro-Utah yes. 

So been spending most of the day in the air, doing some business on precision agriculture today, but too been working up new graphics. Not barking on myself, but apparently, some folks at the big networks think what I do is groovy. So working up those background and program crawls you see on FNC and a few others, hey someone's got to do it. And it does take time. I get the copy notes and go to designing. For everyone they like I make $25.00, which brings in to me around $3,000.00 a month. But it does get and makes days very long. Hey anyone want a job? 

So I got a few dinkles from some of our ads on FB. Which is mostly pouring money down the toilet but there have been times that has gained us, good people. But I got an inquiry from some gal, barking about would she get paid? Thing is the ad sezz, Volunteer, Internship. Not repeat NOT a fully paid job. Now that don't mean nobody makes a paycheck here, but after the damage a few that we gleaned from FB, who muddied up the swamp here, that before we put anyone not a bonafide member of the Knytes, WolfPack, or SAMCRO MC IDAHO, now hazz to do a 4 month, volunteer, internship, and get paid via Sweat Equity, or getting a stake in the business half of the Syndicate. 
. But not an immediate hire. Now some will wimper, about or wyne, what about Nurse GoodBody, or Mirinda, even Miss Dixie Diesel 1993(Still a member) are the only female, fully patched members of the Knytes. Why, because A; they showed up on time for interviews, did investing and securing financial security, for the Knytes, and came to their first assignment ready to execute duties. Not ask a billion questions, and cause me stress. I had one last summer, but her old man decided she was spending too much time at the studio. I really miss Beverly. 

Now been watching a bunch of coverage, about both MLB pulling out of HotLanta, due to political BS and the cops that were wasted, over another mass attack on the White House. Have we really gotten to the herd mentality? Have we as a nation, Gotten so tribal, that any lives don't matter? In my opinion, if you have a gripe with our Union, want to better America? Then pick up a rifle, and put on a uniform. Preferably Marine, but any branch. If we did that things would get much better on that front. As far as the DC Swamp? Most of you know right what I'm going to say, but the answer is simply,


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