Does it seem like Twitter is allowing more porn than they used to?


Does it seem that Twitter is allowing more porn queens and porn sites to peddle their wares than they used to? Now understand while some may view my precious foot star BadAssBecky aka BABS, her content is not porn, it is a very light-footed (pun intended) service of counseling those of us male corpuscles who like the hind paws of women. She simply puts it, that what we crave is not unusual or weird, but natural and normal. You never see anything BABS does as nudes, or that you see her 

and of course my two favorites, Haylee 

and of course, where would this article be with my dream girl, Emmy

That young lady had me at hello. Heck, I'd lick the sweat out of her underarms. But the thing is, BABS does her gig in such a way that it's pleasing teasing, not outright filth. These others that have jumped into feet modeling are making our pursuits filthy and rotten, not the permissive good feelings that I and millions of other men get from BABS. Oh and speaking of Emmy, I'd pay all her expenses and BABS to come out here to Idaho for the Hazzard Nationals this summer. But anyway it just grabs me by the nuts when I see all this filth on a news and views social site like Twitter, allow this, considering the loss of ad revenue they currently generate. Facebook, recently kicked a bunch of these honeys out of their pages, in fact, you can't even say 

on Facebook anymore. Heck, they even make sure content is aimed at the right age group. Not Twitter, Twitter allows anything, as long as Twitter can make an ad buck off of it. 

Any mile, I'm off to my bed, catching some needed zz's, although, gotta say this, I must of been dogassd tyred, as I went to bed Tuesday morning and didn't wake up except to go piss, until this morning. I slept for two whole days. But at least I had nice dreams of Emmy, 

Until 15:00 Hours on L8R Aviators


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