Real not phony, I'm here and ready to howl.



It's getting done, but at only a snail's pace. Now I'm not going to point fingers at anyone at CenturyLink, since many, including both my sales reps, have been outstanding. The only time I get upset is when there's a hold-up and I can't get anyone on the phone. It must be the toew truck operators mentality that I have, but I always am available 24/7/365, and never do I forget to return an email or phone call. But some of CenturyLinks delays, some governmental, some who knows why, but shortening the fiber cable and having to wait, a week, for that to be rectified, which delayed the ignition, of this hot fried internet connection. Then there's the field Techs. Outside of two, the rest just went into our attic and cut blue cable, that would power the system to all the stuff of the fiber. Again, delay. I do want to really thank Mark from Microchips of Twin Falls, for his endless work to make this fire, and yet, still a delay, as there still isn't an IP address, for the system. Again, delay. I may be billed from the 25th on, but I'm taking off the delay, from that bill. Then there that sweetheart Marie Ann, at billing and her supervisor, for holding off from cutting me off, until we can fire this up, and my delay of paying the bill. Look, I figured, that I'd have to go DSL, for 3 maybe 4 months as a target date of completion was set for December 4th, 2020. It's now February 2021, and it's still not running. I wouldn't mind paying half of that $1,300.00 bill, but in my opinion, CenturyLink, ought to give me credit, for all the frustration, up to this point. And why do I go through all of this? To deliver to you my Confederate Brethren, the absolute best online rebel radio experience that is possible.  

Then of course there was all the honeys that walked through this place. The only one that really was worth anything at least on-air, is Meadow Muffin. That ended, more on the basis, of her guy pal thinking she and I were getting a bit too chummy. Which perhaps we were. I remember one night after a show, and working well into the night, when she put her head on my shoulder on the back of my chair and going to sleep. Normal behavior? Who knows. But that was gone. Then there was Jane, who signed on as a care person. Doc said I needed one. Told me to post a notice on Facebook. Which I did, he just didn't tell me how to walk through the Medicaid minefield. Then there was, KiKi, who brought a personal drama, in with her, plus children. I don't do children. They make me nervous, they pose a risk, and it was no way to operate. LEAVE THE DAMN KIDS HOME!!! All that and that last one, the torpedoed, the relationship, between me and Jared of A1, now that income is not coming into me. 

But we are getting there. However, with it all, we may not be here long as there is the refusal, of the owners of this building to tear it down. However located something on Main street here in Twin Falls, that just might work. 

Then there is the hijacking,. Seems as one of my online purchases, was found by an evil, person, looking for a credit card. While I was able to shut it off, and the bank, sending me a new card, still that has delayed my bill paying and paying rent. 

See ya'll in the AM on the FM, at 08:00.



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