Guess I ain't eating there any more, been purty ill the last few days, but I'll be in your radio Wednesday


Been feeling purty bad the last few days. Guess the hot and juicy and Star Burgers next door are getting to me, not too mention, but I will, the stress over this Lumen/CenturyLink install, that I'm being billed for and yet the damn thing ain't even working. Say what? Be like somebody bringing me an aircraft to be repaired, and me bill for it and it won't even fly. Discussion in the morning with some top brass. Seems that once that other installer put in a translator, but never gave an IP code so that my IT guy could get it going. If you have ever watched a monkey screwing a football, 

look no further than that telecom. $1,500.00 for something that is not yet working? Are they nuts? So been doing much more reading like book reading. Found this book stuck in a section of the shop, next to the crapper, called BIG SKY, by A.B Guthrie. Most of it I get, but there's French and Creole words that I have to stop, fire up my phone and look up. 

Well, Tuesday they start the impeachment trial for Trump, question? How do you, impeach a President who ain't President anymore? Been watching much more FoX News Channel lately, as that's about the only stable channel on Hulu. Hey, I adore blondes aplenty, thing is, it seems that there are more platinum blondes, with all hot pink threads, and always wet lipstick or lip gloss. Moreover, even the reporters that are female, seem to have the same basic hairstyle, that is a hot curling iron through extensions. So out of curiosity, I posted that question on a Google Search Guess what? Could not find anything current, nor informative. Either nobody has written about this, or commented on it, or Google is losing steam. Then was watching Tucker Carlson, and it transitioned to what I thought would be Hannity. Hey, Sean Hannity makes about a lot of sense. I don't always agree, but I watch. Thing was, what I got to watch was a repeat of a news show on FNC, that ran earlier on Monday yesterday. Granted FNC has been scraping the bottom of the gravy pan lately as far as ratings, but shit, can't they at least run their good shows overnight? And Hulu isn't the Gem it once was. I thought to the tech mess-ups were over since Disney bought Hulu and FoX, a year or so ago, but nope, couldn't even watch Ch-7 News locally.  

In any case, I'll be in your radio on Wednesday, into Thursday. Next week, going to take a few days off, and cruise down to Etown, Wyoming. Need to get things right with Rick and LexiBelle. Giving serious thought to moving there, as well. 

See ya'll Wednesday.



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