Some folks think theyre moving ahead, when in fact they are trolling bassackwards and why me now, again?
It seems or should I say seams,
that as much as we as a culture and civilization think we are advancing in intelligence, and knowledge, the reality is our population is getting infantile, and prehistoric. Our scientists today are too invested in politics than real science. If a Government or raw media says something is wrong, we are supposed to believe it. Example. Covid. Since last March last year, we have been under the assumption, that Covid is responsible for every style, mode, and influx of any illness. We were told to stay indoors, wear masks, and don't socialize. Don't gather in Church, that last one is meaningless, since I trust in my Heavenly Father, to keep me safe and healthy, if I gather with others to learn of him. If we gather to worship, we should trust in God that he knows enough to keep us healthy. Who am I to argue? The list goes on and on. Since the original outbreak, I have seen so much absolute BS, that it boggles the mind. People are not scared of Covid, they are scared of a four-letter word, W-O-R-K. People don't want to work for substandard wages. In reality, it's themselves doing substandard work. There is no pride in work, or doing a task and upon completion, say damn that's a good job. You can't do a great performance unless you truly believe in it. We are living of and in a very divided union. The have's and have not's. Race against race, It's constant battles. Yes there is a cure, and I for one believe in it, but while many say they do, Few really believe, in the symbol of Dixie,
its background and why it is the answer. Oh yes, they'll get up on social media even, barking for money, in reality, they have no real idea, of what our Dixie Nation, is truly about.
1981 atop Lost Trail Pass between Montana and Idaho, in a small town called Spencer, two events unfolded along with many, that had occurred during the day. We pulled into an LDS Church parking lot to snag sleep. Studdering Mel, climbed in back in the sleeper, Me I had to sleep upfront, trying to keep pressure on the go pedal to keep the truck running, to keep heat in the cab. The trail going up through the pass was such, that the diaphragm, in the injector pump had burst. As it was LDS Conference was going on on KSL 1160 out of Utah, which I tuned into right after being tuned into the Midnight Cowboy Show. It was there that I said, why couldn't someone build a 24/7/365 radio station/network, the brought Jesus to Truckers, in the hope to say Truckers, God loves you too. Over time we launched a thing we called Long Haul Trucker Radio. In 1992 after we nicknamed the shop the Dixie Deesl Shop, of Idaho, we created Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio. With the concept of, no matter how much of an outlaw 1%er biker, trucker, rebel, gearhead you are, no matter your sin, no matter orientation, political orientation, God Loves you, and wants YOU to go to the light. Dixie Diesel, as well as co-parent, HazzardAyre Radio, has never left that concept. You don't have to wear a suit, white shirt, tie, drive an expensive car, or the latest pickup, God don't care about that, it's not what's in your bank account, but your heart the Jesus wants to see. As far as a beard and long hair? Ever see a photo of Jesus anywhere, that Jesus has a butch haircut and a shave? Trust in Jesus, to get you to your destination. Sometimes the journey may be bumpy, but it's worth it. And now to bring this to the yard.The other day and I'm still scratching my head why, but remember that Janet lady from AM Falls, Idaho that promised month, after month, week upon week, that she was coming out here to see us to be absorbed by the station? The one that created the junk with my son and dynamite? Well, she popped up again. Says, she's going to come out here again, take ME to dinner, has something to scratch my brain about. Why me? I'm not the Oracle of Delphi, I don't know everything, I am a simple helicopter pilot mechanic, that knows how to fly that helicopter, run a toew truck, and build a radio station, even with it all, I don't know everything about those things. So why ask me questions? The last time that a woman asked me to dinner and bought that dinner, was 1994 in Clearfield Utah, named Debbie. Dinner, sex, that still lays the imprint on my cranium, never knew I could ejaculate, twice in less than an hour, never knew that a lady could hold you in when you wanted to pull out. And be THAT tight when I did, it sounded like a wine cork being pulled out of the bottle. Not that I ever expect that will ever happen again, but outside of that anytime anyone does anything nice or kind for me, outside of ya'll here in the Knytes, I get suspicious. See ya'll Monday on the air, on

its background and why it is the answer. Oh yes, they'll get up on social media even, barking for money, in reality, they have no real idea, of what our Dixie Nation, is truly about.

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