And damn wasn't today fun?


Wasn't today a fun day? Slept well, but found yet another day, without my new plastic. No plastic, nor, and thus no ability to air a show. All because there was some dillweed, from Nigeria, maybe China, decided to stick his fingers in my honey jar. So last Friday, had to cancel my plastic, and get the bank to reissue. Which they said they did. Could have gotten it much quicker had I still lived in Etown, or even Pocatello, since the bank I deal with has branches there. But no cash for the stash means no insurance, no insurance can't go very far if at all, so I'm screwed. Now there are two sides to this; First, I could open an account here in Tweaker Flatts, but the $200.00 minimum deposit to open it is a bit much in my opinion, since I think it took me what $10.00 to open my account in Etown. 2; the way I was treated here with 4 different financial institutions, against the bend over backwards treatment I got from my bank in Etown, is like truly night and day. So that was fun. But all those little crooks that have constantly sticking their fingers in my honey jar can't, and only a damn few will be able to in the future. 
Landlord, still hasn't gotten his green from our account, he told me that it hadn't arrived. Now here was the problem there. Look my Cousin Maggie, doesn't miss a beat. She's usually on top of things. But since Big Kelly died our Club, treasurer Maggie is having to go over a bunch of financials and figure out where what goes, who to send green to, and who not to. But last Monday when she got our DoD, funds in, she sent the green to my landlord, not to the company he works for. So it got returned. So earlier today she sent it to the right person, trouble is over the last darn near a year, every time I'd ask Jared did he get our money he said yes. In fact part of the thing on this building that houses the station, is in was based on the fact my rents were on time. Then November, Jared informs me he never got the funds. Okay, where did the money go. Kelly carves out money puts in the mail, after that, I'm not some genie that knows what happens to it. With some $7k, on the line, much of which is why I have no rubber on my boots, and live in a cramped apartment, is when you only get take-home of $1200.00 and you pay out $1,000.00 it concerns me. But Jared is coming up, Thursday, so we see. I'll either be here still, or down on main. But the fact that is out of order, no show yet tonight. Makes one wonder, and trust me when I say, and  I'm thinking on it really hard, maybe this gig needs to be a heap of a lot closer to Etown, or in Etown. Let you know Thursday Night.



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