Why does every Google Search I do, think I'm a female?

Why is it that every time I search something on Google Search it points me to something to do with women or female health? Why is that? Example, was wondering if extended periods of not shaving was okay or if there is a health risk? So I Googled it like quadrillion people do, but all I saw was advice to women, shaving pubes etc. How about just a simple answer? How about serious advice for us guys? Sorry ladies, nothing is complete without us male corpuscles, but seems like things for guys are extremely rare. Either online, on TV, even streaming, no matter the source, nothing for guys. Ah, what to do? One of the main concepts of HazzardAre Radio, and its extensions, subsidiaries, are all pro-male. It's time guys and our issues were, exposed and examined. That is HazzardAyre. From babes to bikes, from trucks to rods, from the best pants, to how to get rid of jock itch, that is HazzardAyre/. HazzardAyre started in 2011, after the brutal extermination of AyreWolfFM. Ayrewolffm.com ha...