It's been one helluva ride but we are getting there.
It's been one helluva ride. Its not over yet, butt,
What started fairly easy has become a nightmare to say the least. HazzardAyre Radio has hung in there, thanks to you our members and support sponsors. We have been off the air since December 2018, From the PoohBear disaster to crooked landlords not keen on bikers, Marine Combat pilots, and of course us Confederates. However after months of taking Goody's Powders
we have our club house as well as the beginnings of where the studios, built from ground up. Thanks to QuickSilver Computers here in Twin Falls, Idaho, as well as John Deere, Harley Davidson, and others I can see a real light at the end of a tunnel, and not another approaching train. The big hurddles that I can see right now is getting on air honeys and converting to not only audio radio but including vidio in studio whilest on air. However whilest a wall in front of us, like it was in the Corps, we find a way over, around or under but bust through despite the doubters. Being the only 3rd automated Online radio station in the United States, we will be the only fully live online radio station in the USA, but available all around the world. Establishing the HazzardAyre/KnyteWolf Network, with the bottom line being to be a comfort to and information source to, that Marine/Navy aviator, stuck in a bunk on a floating airport somewhere in the South Pacific/or/ Persian Gulf. We're not just here for gear-heads/bikers. We are on air for every military, despite branch of service aviator. While the problems and even more headaches we are finally on the tarmac. Now we just need to gain altitude. That means stretching our reach for studios in both Boise, Pocatello, as well as Salt Lake City. So we can voicetrack as much voices and ellements into our stream as possible. If anyone thought we were just idle, or resting on our complacency, I have news for you. Thanks to Cooter's Place, our fans, and you again our members, we have made it to the point of liftoff, now lets kick in the after burners and boost this thing.

See ya'll on the air online at midnight,
L8R Aviators and Gear-Heads.
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