This crap is way outta line

It never ceases to amaze me at the idiocy of today's media. Its not just the local TV stations delivering news, noooo, FoX News Channel is also just as bad. Example was watching tonights ep, of Tucker Carlson's show. At the tail end of it this one, (of course blonde) contributor gets on there and her voice is so damn squeeky, that I had to mute my TV. Reminded me of the days someone would run finger nails down a chalk board. Dang it, FoX when selecting these people, at least select one that has a voice, not just blonde hair and neon legs. 
As far as the local news, what local news? You watch CH-7, they have become so boring and aged that I watch about 5 minutes of a newscast, then go watch FoX or CNN. I saw a bloop in my inbox and on my phone not to long ago. On it was this thing, about supporting local news. Again, what local news? Newspapers are not much better, especially the one we have here in our area of Idaho. The Times News has no competition, why? Because once anybody else starts gaining momentum, the Times News buys em out. No independent thought there. Are we at HazzardAyre any better? Yes, and we are not even mainline broadcasters. Most of what does anything for or about HazzardAyre, are gearheads or reassigned Marine/Navy aviators, not pro broadcasters. But we deliver better content. What gives? Isn't anybody minding the store any more. Isn't there a program director and all monitoring what goes on their stations? The true answer is no. This was demonstrated to me buy a few local sales execs, for SparkLight Cable advertising. What I was inquiring about was plugging us in on a local level to the two tow truck tow operator TV shows on the Weather Channel. Nobody in that office had any idea of what I was asking about. One of the over paid front office clerks, aka sales execs, said she didn't even watch TV. Really? As helpful as a bucket under a bull. Its getting bad out there.
Now on the open road scan.
Governor Little told all or most of Idaho, to stay home during this pandemic. Really? If observations I take in on the busy main drag here in Twin Falls, nobody stayed home. Mail still goes, garbage man still empties the can, everything except the massage parlor are open in one way or another. Even if they do put up those snot screens at the Stop & Go, If you have a gallon of milk you still need to reach it around the screen so she can scan it on her register. Same goes with Skoal, and whatever, plus handing back change. They still need to reach around, over or under that snot screen. Whose getting exposed here? Nobody. The only people really threatened by this pandemic virus, is elderly. Usually from the mid 60, to early 80 mile posts on the road of life. Idaho is so open that staying 6 feet apart? Really? How? Besides that , Idaho is so spread out that catching coronavirus is nearly impossible. Even if you do like I did, take some antibiotics get some sleep, and take a dump on a regular basis. No problem. It'll just feel like a bad case of the flu. So your not really at risk. The crime again goes to modern money hungry TV media news. They need ratings. Trump needed to have something to get the microscope off his misdealings and corruption. I'm not a Republicarat. Sorry but I'm not. I'm 200% Confederate, I walk Confederate, speak Dixie and sing Dixie as much as I can. I respect women, I live my life for Jesus Christ, and I only deal with honesty, I don't like games, pretenders, fronters or con artists. Its called Southern breeding, and Hazzard County Integrity. What we have is a sad political climate in DC no matter whose hand is on the rudder.
I honor three flags, and display 4 one is a POW/MIA black flag, to honor those still MIA. Political Correctness is not in my vocabulary. I fight the system, and am very much anti-establishment. I honor those Veterans, who graves are being dug up or trampled on all over Dixie. Not just Union military but our Confederate military, including, the Confederate Navy and the Confederate Marines . 
Its time for a change in this nation, for a few weeks this nation united against Coronavirus, once that threat was seen to be not as bad as was predicted, people started shooting at each other again. Now we have a decorated soldier being raked over the coals, by Pelosy and associates. Enough. Sit down, turn off the computer, the TV and read your Bible. 
My opinion I could be wrong.


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