It's My Afternoon, glad you're here with me.

What would such a job, like designing women's bras be like? Would you get tired of looking at cartoon, or design boobs all day? Would you go home and say to your better half, something like, " If I see one more breast I'm going to heave." Obscure jobs like this are numerous. Example, once upon a star, I had the duty of working at a Tupperware Factory. My spot one day was clipping off the plastic runners from near freshly baked circus monkeys, for children. It was a toy, but I saw those monkeys for 8 dang hours, plus when I was sleeping I could see the damn monkeys in my sleep. Not all strange jobs are bad. Some acctually are enriching. Example, once upon a star, I had the privlage to work for a company called Kellwood. Kellwood, made, yes, nylons stockings. For 8 hours a day, I got to see my fetish, glide by on a conveyer, belt, everything from Pantyhose to knee highs. Kellwood sold the product through both Sears and J.C. Penny's. Under the banner Clingon. No ...