This crap is way outta line

It never ceases to amaze me at the idiocy of today's media. Its not just the local TV stations delivering news, noooo, FoX News Channel is also just as bad. Example was watching tonights ep, of Tucker Carlson's show. At the tail end of it this one, (of course blonde) contributor gets on there and her voice is so damn squeeky, that I had to mute my TV. Reminded me of the days someone would run finger nails down a chalk board. Dang it, FoX when selecting these people, at least select one that has a voice, not just blonde hair and neon legs. As far as the local news, what local news? You watch CH-7, they have become so boring and aged that I watch about 5 minutes of a newscast, then go watch FoX or CNN. I saw a bloop in my inbox and on my phone not to long ago. On it was this thing, about supporting local news. Again, what local news? Newspapers are not much better, especially the one we have here in our area of Idaho. The Times News has no competition, why? Because once any...